Reflections Inspiring Student Empowerment
Intro to Forum Theatre
Introduce students to the type of steps that can be built on to devise a performance. Call attention to feelings and thoughts surrounding "Conflict" and its opposite theme to lead students to potential solutions to those hard feelings while modeling activities to learn to devise a Forum Theatre Piece.
120 minutes
Prefer an empty room with a stackable chair per person; however, we can be flexible.
Name tags
Writing Utensils
Stars & Wishes Cards
Butcher paper
Dry Erase Markers
Party Invite
Paper Sacks per R.I.S.E. HS Theatre Student
Index Cards
(6 min) INTRO:
(2 min) Transition
(15 min) FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #1 - Name Game
(2 min) Transition
(10 min) FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #2 - Group Acronym Charades
(2 min) Transition
(10 min) FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #3 - Class-Wide Image Theatre
(2 min) Transition
(10 min) FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #4 - Class-Wide Machine
(2 min) Transition
(20-25 min) MODEL DEVISED PIECE #5 - Friend-on-Friend Conflict
(2 min) Transition
(15 min) FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #6 - Index Card Mini-Devised Scenes
(2 min) Transition
(n/a min) Expandable Time Activity - use index cards, if needed
(15 min) CLOSING:
Boal, Augusto. “Games for Actors and Non-Actors by Augusto Boal.” Open Library, Taylor & Francis Group, 1 Jan. 1970, openlibrary.org/books/OL29426033M/Games_for_Actors_and_Non-Actors.
Activities from BYU’s TMA 377 C - Instructor Julia Ashworth.
[NOTE TO FACILITATORS: because we are trying to be transparent as well as teach future facilitators, we’ll be as transparent about our activities as we can without spoiling things in advance. This will also help them fill out their stars and wishes cards with comments on specific activities.]
Welcome -
Everyone gets a name tag and fills it out
High School Students introduce their TIE group by name:
R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment
Today’s Workshop -
Today’s Workshop #1 is an Introduction to Forum Theatre. (also known as Boal's Theatre, 'Theatre of the Oppressed' or 'Theatre for Development'). An interactive theatre form invented in the early 1970s by Augusto Boal. Boal's goal was to help participants identify their “internal oppressions”or conflicts in order to begin to overcome them.
Stars & Wishes -
Pass out Stars and Wishes cards and Writing Utensils.
Explain that at the end of R.I.S.E. we’ll be asking for three things:
#1. Stars: What are some star moments you really like about today’s workshop that you hope will continue.
#2. Wishes: What do you wish to see changed or added to future workshops?
#3. Closing Ceremony: We’ll be creating a Closing Ceremony to mark today’s workshop end so be thinking of ideas based on what we’re doing today to commemorate our work.
Tell the students that they’re going to learn a little bit about each other with another facilitator during the “Name Game” activity.
So let’s give them our attention.
FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #1 - Name Games (15 min)
Explain: This is a Forum Theatre Activity called the “Name Game” - it is one of many, in future workshops, we’ll be asking if you have activity ideas you want to share or lead with us.
Acronyms -
To get to know each other better we’re each going to write our name in capital letters down the side of a piece of paper. It can be your first name, nickname, or whole name.
(1 minute) Each person will have a minute to write words that reflect them based on the first letter of their name. They can add a plus or minus sign if it is something they do or don’t like. Have each student star the word they feel reflects themselves the most.
i.e. “POLLYANNA” P-pretty-pretty princess pink O-ptimistic L-ove to serve L-ove mysteries Y-es to Musicals! A-nimals N-oel & other holidays N-o to surgeries & hospital stays A-llergic to everything
(2 minutes x 2) Have students pair-share with each other the reasons they chose these words for themselves, especially the starred “Reflection Word(s)”.
Side Coaching -
Tell students they are going to introduce their partner, so they need to listen carefully.
Let students know when they have only 15 seconds left.
Then have pairs switch who is sharing.
Repeat these Side Coaching notes as needed.
Supposing Symbolic Poses -
Have students come together and stand/sit in a circle, whatever is comfortable.
Go around the circle and have each person introduce their pair-share partner:
As a student is introduced, have them make a Symbolic Pose or Movement to symbolize their starred “Reflection Word(s).
i.e. for “Y-Yes Musicals!” (Pollyanna would pose as if she is singing and dancing)
If a student needs help, have them ask their partner and/or peers for suggestions.
While the student being introduced poses, their partner will say their name, their “Reflection Word(s)” and why that reflects that person.
i.e. Pollyanna. Y is for “Yes to Musicals!” Pollyanna says, “Yes!” to any musical she can get involved in!
Everyone will then repeat the person’s name and Reflection Word(s) while they do the Symbolic Pose or Movement (as they are able).
Once everyone has been introduced, go around in the circle once more, this time just saying each person’s Name, “Reflective Word(s)” while doing the Symbolic Pose or Movement.
Who can remember everyone 's Name, “Reflective Word(s)” and Symbolic Pose or Movement, that represents them.
Side Coaching -
If time, who can do this faster? And even faster still?
Shake it Off - Have them “shake off” the activity.
Discussion -
Did you learn something surprising about someone here today?
How did the “Symbolic Poses or Movements” help you remember the person’s “Reflective Word(s)”?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students that they’re going to explore the concept of "Conflict" more with another facilitator during a Group Thematic Acronym activity.
So let’s give them our attention.
FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #2 - Group Acronym Charades (10 min)
Explain: This is a Forum Theatre Activity called “Group Acronym Charades.”
Words by Group -
Break the class into two groups and present them with two butcher sheets of paper with the word “Conflict” written out vertically
Inform them that they are not allowed to look at the other group’s paper until the teacher explicitly says so
Each group will have only two minutes to quickly fill out an acronym for the word "Conflict" using words they associate with the concept
i.e. “CONFLICT” C-haos O-nly N-ervous F-ight L-ost I-mplore C-crazy T-actic
Have the groups present their image to each other and try to guess what their word was
Shake it Off - Have them “shake off” the activity and sit down in a circle
What stood out to you?
Could you feel the definition of the words with the images?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students that they’re going to explore the concept of "Conflict" more with another facilitator during an Image Theatre activity.
So let’s give them our attention.
FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #3: Class-Wide Image Theatre (10 min)
Explain: This is a Forum Theatre Activity called the “Class-Wide Image Theatre.”
Make the 1st Whole Group Image "Conflict" -
Ask for a volunteer to sculpt the entire group into the theme of "Conflict" either incorporating what they noticed from the ½ group thematic words and their images or independent of the previous images.
The volunteer will quickly and without words put the whole group into an image representing “conflict.”
The volunteer doesn't need to be “the protagonist” facilitators will not instruct one way or another
Individual participants may step out to look around and adjust as desired.
Opposite Words of "Conflict" -
Ask them what words come to mind when you think of the opposite of "Conflict" write these on the board, star other’s words that they also agree with
Side coaching (if needed) -
Ask students to remember a time when you were not feeling lonely.
What was that like?
Accept multiple answers (Ex, resolution, compromise, togetherness...)
Make a 2nd Whole Group Image, (the Opposite of "Conflict")
Ask for a volunteer to sculpt the entire group into this theme.
Move quickly and without words and put the whole group into an image that represents the theme.
Individual participants may step out to look around and adjust as desired.
Clap from 1st to 2nd Image -
Have group stand in 1st Image - "Conflict"
the facilitator informs the group they’ll clap 3 times. Ask the members to transition from the 1st image to the 2nd image
Shake it Off - Have them “shake off” the activity and sit down in a circle
Discussion -
What similarities between the images did you notice?
What differences?
How did it feel to go from the 1st image to the 2nd image?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students that they’re going to explore the concept of "Conflict Resolution" and the other word they came up with more with another facilitator, during a Machine Theatre Activity.
So let’s give them our attention.
FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #4: Class-Wide Machine (10 min)
Explain: This is the Forum Theatre Activity called the “Class-Wide Machine.”
Individual’s Add Images -
Have students stand in a circle. (If needed, have students shake out the last activity so that they can be ready for this one).
Let’s look at what our new theme looks, sounds, and feels like to us. And one way we can do that is through the creation of a machine.
A machine is when one student starts a repetitive action with a repetitive line of dialogue, and all the other students in the group do the same until there is one big machine going.
I need a volunteer to start the creation of our machine? The theme of our machine is “new theme”
One student will start.
Students will then add themselves to the machine.
Individual’s Add Movement -
What sounds can we add to our machine?
How are you feeling in our machine?
Are you tired? Are you energized? Do you like how you feel?
Individual’s Add Sound -
When it feels natural, have our machine come to a stop.
Shake it Off - Step out of the machine and shake it off and sit down in a circle!
What parts of the machine resonated with you?
What sounds stood out to you?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students that they’re going to see modeled for them a devised piece on conflict resolution.
So let’s give them our attention.
MODEL FORUM THEATRE #5: Friend-on-Friend Conflict (20-25 min)
Preparing a Devised Piece - (2 min)
Explain: Today we have modeled for you a couple of ways you can use to make a list of multiple conflicts in your life from you to choose from. As well as how to get started.on ideas for a devised scene.
Before we ask you to devise (or create) something to perform for each other, our RISE Students will show you a piece that they worked on earlier this month.
Just like yours will be, these are based on making a list of real conflicts they have faced. One had an argument with a parent during the holidays. Another was embarrassed at her friend's house and didn’t know how to react. This conflict is between two friends.
Once selecting which conflict to work on, they used similar activities like the ones we did today, to give them ideas on where to start.
Theatre Etiquette - (2 min)
Today we’ll only show you the piece to perform. Next week we’ll work on Forum Theatre.
How many of you have seen a live play? (If, “Yes.” have them answer questions, if “No.” then use this as a time to help them understand.)
At the start and end of rehearsals and performances, spect-actors check in with each other for mental and physical health as well as to let everyone know they are now playing a character. There are many ways to do this, we’ll demonstrate one each time we come. Each team (and we’ll rotate team members will come up with a check in that works for them.
Once the spect-actors are ready, they signal with a thumbs up. Those not performing will call out, “3, 2, 1, Action!”
At the end of any performance, even with a spect-actor, we have a ritual exchange to signal the end.
Someone in the performing group calls out, “Scene.”
The audience claps.
The performers take a bow to show appreciation.
Any questions before we begin? (Answer any) Let’s try it.
Pre-Performance Forum Theatre - (1 min)
RISE High School Theatre Students come together in a circle and pass a clap around.
Each performer states how they are emotionally and physically.
Then any needs they have or they say, “My needs are met.”
Then they pass the clap to the next performer.
Forum Theatre Performance - (10 min)
Once the spect-actors are ready, they signal with a thumbs up.
Those not performing will call out, “3, 2, 1, Action!”
See Script: “Friend-on-Friend Conflict” at the end of Workshop #1 Lesson Plan.
At the end of the scene, one of the actors calls out, “Scene.”
Encourage the audience to clap respectfully.
The performers take a bow.
Thank you for following our Forum Theatre Etiquette!
(if extra time explain this today, otherwise wait till next week)
Post-Performance Forum Theatre - (5 min)
At this point, we would invite you to watch the scene again, but this time, when you see a different choice the protagonists could make, you call out “Freeze.” You’ll take the place of the protagonist and the actors will return to the point you want them to start with and you’ll perform with them, making different choices.
Each time someone sees a way to improve or a different solution for our protagonist, they can call out “Freeze!”
Today, we’d only like you to think about this conflict and possible solutions.
At our next workshop, we’ll take a conflict idea that you come up with and as a group we’ll devise a Forum Theatre Performance.
Good job to everyone, shake it off
Discussion -
Who were the characters in conflict?
What was the conflict?
How does that relate to conflicts you may be in now?
To make it short, in this piece we offered an example of a solution. Sometimes we will let the audience come up with suggested solutions.
What advice did the teacher offer? (Take answers in any order)
Take 1-3 slow, deep breaths
Make an “I” Statement
“I” Statements follow a pattern, “I feel ____ when ____ happens”
Make a sincere apology.
Which of these have you tried? How well do they work?
Which of these do you want to try, or try again?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students that they’re going to explore the new concept more with another facilitator, during Devised Mini-Scenes
So let’s give them our attention.
FORUM THEATRE ACTIVITY #6: Devised Mini-Scenes (15 min)
Explain: This is the Forum Theatre Activity called the “Devised Marvelous Moment Mini-Scenes.”
The class will be randomized into groups of 3-5 people each and will be instructed to create a 90 second scene. Explain that a moment is equal to 90 seconds, so because these are short, miniature scenes, we call them a “Marvelous Moment Mini-Scene”
Write for 3 Minutes -
Pass out index cards and pens
Have students write words or sentences about the transition from the conflict to the new theme.
Side Coaching: This can be observations or a character’s thoughts or monologue or a conversation between two characters.
Devised Marvelous Moment Mini-Scenes -
Using their index card and their feelings/work from the image work and the machine.
Have individual teams stand in a circle and “clap” into the rehearsal space, if anyone’s needs are not met. Help them help themselves as you are able.
They will have five minutes to create their scenes and will receive a one minute warning.
The groups will perform their scenes for each other with a “3…2…1…Action!”
Shake it Off - We will shake off the scenes and then sit as a group in a circle for a quick discussion
Discussion -
What is something unexpected in the other group's performance?
How can we create and foster this feeling in our everyday lives?
Take a moment if you have any “Stars or Wishes” to record for our R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment Workshop.
Tell the students we’ll now transition into our Closing Ceremony with another facilitator. So let’s give them our attention.
NOTE: If you expect there to be more than 15 minutes left, instead of moving to the closing ceremony, you could use the extra time to work on any of these terms:
Current Conflicts -
What is a conflict?
i.e. family issues, mental illness, bullying, addictions to screen time etc.
Give them slips of paper to have students write a list of the oppressions they know about in their life and those of their peers
You could also go over a brief introduction to Boal’s Forum Theatre:
Augusto Boal -
Augusto Boal was a “Brazilian dramatist who created the Theatre of the Oppressed, a form of interactive theatre intended to transform lives as spectators become performers, acting out solutions to social problems.” - Britannica
Spect-Actor -
Using the answer from earlier to this question: “How many of you have seen a live play?” (If, “Yes.” have them answer questions, if “No.” then use this as a time to help them understand.)
Q: Typically in a play, how much does the audience participate in a show? A: Not much, they just watch.
Q: What is a spectator? A: Someone who watches something, usually an urgent event.
Boal put the two words together “spectator” and “actor” to invent the word “Spect-Actor” (the audience members who watch a performance about a current issue and then participate.)
Forum Theatre -
A Forum is a type of meeting where people come together to solve a current issue, like at a school assembly.
Only instead of only a lecture or presentation, the audience will have input and participate in the presentation as a Spect-Actor. Today we did a presentation to save time for you to see how to devise a scene.
Freeze -
After a Forum Theatre skit runs through the first time, then audience members will be able to call out “Freeze!” to take the place of the protagonists to try a different solution to experience the consequences.
Solutions vs. Magic -
RISE is not here to dictate what the solution to your issues is or to come up with only one right way to do something. We are here to think of and perform choices for those with an issue, (a conflict), to find realistic, not magical options. Magic solutions we want to avoid happen either too quickly or easily than in real life; or the protagonist who is being oppressed or in conflict expects someone else to do something to change the protagonist’s situation. These performances are to help empower you to safely explore solutions and their consequences.
CLOSING: Ceremony (15 min)
Review Name Game -
Everyone comes together in a circle.
Ask for a volunteer to recall each person’s Name, “Reflection Word(s)” and Pose.
Review Introduction to Forum Theatre:
Today’s Workshop #1 is an Introduction to Forum Theatre (Part 1).
What are some things you have learned so far about Forum Theatre?
At our next workshop we’ll increase our understanding of Forum Theatre by adding Spect-Actors and a Joker and more!
Stars & Wishes
If you would like, this is the time to share stars and wishes aloud.
#1. Stars: “What are some star moments you really like about today’s workshop that you hope will continue.”
#2. Wishes: “What do you wish to see changed or added to future workshops?”
#3. Closing Ceremony:
We’re now going to be creating a Closing Ceremony to commemorate today’s work and include in our image the concept of our Club Name: R.I.S.E.
Explain, there are no wrong or right ways to do this. This closing ceremony may change each workshop, or we may decide there are parts we want to keep or give.
We need to sculpt an image that transitions from a first image representing who we were at the start of this workshop and into a second position representing who we are as a group at the end of today’s workshop. When we transition, we call out: “R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment.”
Ask for a volunteer. Remind them to work quickly and without words put the whole group into a first image representing the start of the workshop.
Individual participants may step out to look around and adjust as desired.
Now ask for another volunteer. Remind them to work quickly and without words put the whole group into a second image representing the work we accomplished at the end of the workshop.
Individual participants may step out to look around and adjust as desired.
Start with the first image, transition to the second image in one seamless movement.
We’ll do it one more time first to second image, but this time we’ll do it without coaching, as a group as we transition, we’ll all say the club name, “R.I.S.E. = Reflections Inviting Student Empowerment!”
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: - (see Activity Steps)
TRANSITIONS: (see Activity Steps)
“Friend-on-Friend Conflict”
(10-30+ minutes) - see solution options below
CAST: (3+ any genders)
Friend - A
Friend - B
Birthday Invite Friend
(Optional - School Counselor on Lunchroom Duty; extras in cafeteria).
Party Invite
Lunch Sacks per student (mime food and cafeteria tables as needed)
Friends A & B walk past School Counselor, show friendship & respect, then together.
Birthday Invite Friend walks by and hands an invite to Friend A (but not Friend B).
Falling out between the two over party invite
(Mime tables and food) Friend A picks up lunch sack and moves to another seat.
School Counselor on Lunch Duty sees this and realizes that this is odd.
“This is a new seating arrangement. Since when did you two not sit together?”
Friends A & B respond with a shrug.
School Counselor invites Friends A & B to work it out. They do so reluctantly.
Conflict Resoluton suggestions are suggested by the School Counselor, Friend A and B. At first, both are reluctant, then by Step 3 both are working towards a solution:
1. Take a deep breath and count to 3.
2. Use an “I” message: I am feeling frustrated. I am hurt.
3. Apologize & Find Common Ground
Ask audience for solution ideas and the actors perform these suggestions
LONG FORUM THEATRE: (30 min or more)
Stop and have Joker remind audience of rules.
Have performance start again.
Spect-Actors intervene and take place of either Friend A or Friend B (protagonist) to try a perform solutions.