Various video clips quote me, appearing in BYU School of Music’s YouTube channel, A Celebration and a Farewell: “Merry Widow,” video editing by BYU Broadcasting’s Nathan Young (2022.10.22).
This prelude to The Merry Widow was created to loop in the dramaturgy lobby display and played once at the start of performances in the theatre. “Merry Widow Lobby Intro,” video editing by BYU Broadcasting’s Nathan Young and uploaded to my YouTube channel, MsGladgame (2022.10.15).
“The libretto (originally written in German by Viktor Léon and Leo Stein, translated by Lawrence and Jean Vincent, and adapted and updated by Shea Owens and Pollyanna Eyler) is quite funny, and the reliance on stock characters ensures that the story stays comprehensible. What The Merry Widow lacks in sophistication, it makes up with charm.“ - Utah Theatre Bloggers Association, “WALTZ THE NIGHT AWAY WITH THE MERRY WIDOW AT BYU,“ posted by Russell Warne (2022.10.20).
“Pollyanna Eyler, … finalist for the Region 8 dramaturgy award. … Pollyanna won the dramaturgy student choice award for her presentation board.“ - BYU’s The Sound and Fury, “Department News 02-17-20: Dramaturgy/Journalism,” editor, Lindsi Neilson (2020.02.17).
“We interviewed the production’s dramaturg, Pollyanna Eyler, about some of the things she discovered in the process of researching the production. Stephanie really wanted the cast to see these characters as human beings, not just “good” and “bad,” so Pollyanna figured out a unique way of doing that. In one exercise, the cast and crew used relative finder from Family Search to discover they were related to some of those involved on both sides of the lawsuit. Even though the play focuses on a relatively small cadre of workers, there were actually thousands of factory workers who were affected by the radium. Check out the amazing lobby displays on the 1st floor and the study guide in the program to learn more. Pollyanna says, “I’ve lost family members and many friends to cancer, so initially I didn’t want to work on Radium Girls due to the sad subject matter. Over the last year of production, I’ve learned to face my fears and focus on hope. Thanks to the sacrifice of the Radium girls, actions of concerned citizens, and continued research by scientists of integrity, we have hope for a better tomorrow. As consumers, we can do our part to think critically and make informed decisions about how we spend our time and money. I have come to appreciate this play, despite the tragic circumstances, as a word of caution, a support for scientific research, and a catalyst for change.“ - BYU’s The Sound and Fury, “Department News 11-26-2018,” editor, Lindsi Neilson (2018.11.26).
“Pollyanna Eyler is the play’s dramaturg, providing great reading material for the audience to acquaint them with the play, historic significance, and time period through the program.” - Front Row Reviewers, “BYU’s Radium Girls Lights Up Provo,” written by Jennifer Mustoe (2019.11.19).
“One of the things the dramaturg, Pollyanna Eyler, tried to help the cast deal with was how to understand how people could jeopardize others’ lives when they were aware of the risks. Eyler points out that, “Even the ‘bad’ people, they’re not villains. They’re just real people with real intentions of trying to do what they think is appropriate in the situation.“ - BYU’s The Sound and Fury, “Department News 11-12-18,” editor, Lindsi Neilson (2018.11.12).
“One thing that Anton Chekhov is known for is creating diverse characters with various intertwining relationships. As a viewer, this is always a difficult part of Chekhov for me, but dramaturg Pollyanna Eyler overcomes this challenge with her character connections flowchart in the program. This flowchart displays pictures of the actors with their characters’ names and how they are connected to the other characters in the show. Having this flowchart readily available during the show makes it a much more enjoyable viewing experience.“ - Front Row Reviewers, “Don’t Miss this DAM Good Production of Chekhov’s The Seagull at BYU’s Duck Pond in Provo, UT,” written by fron2177 (2019.09.02).